Why blogging ? How to start blog?

Blog. Most probably there is none who never listen this word. Everyday a lot of new blogger open his new blog and there are many kinds of blog. Some are intellectual, some are educational, some are tips type. Now at present youtube.com is the most popular video blog in the world.
Now my question is why you need to do blogging? What is the purpose of your blogging? Some people are doing blogging for the sake of amusement. Some are doing blogging for helping people. Some are doing blogging for business and some are doing blogging for pass their leisure time. Now my question is what is the purpose of your blogging? If your purpose is same like others or different what ever it is if you wanna do blogging too where to start and how to start? How to start? Go blogger.com By using gmail id sign up here for new blog. After completion you can access a free blog account with the blogspot.com name. Now if you wanna know why not.com why blogspot.com i will tell you about this at my next post. Now set up your blog with nice template and start update your post. First of all write about the blog objective at about page. Create a contact page and then start update post what ever you like and where do you have interest in blogging. So happy blogging with free hosting and free sub domain in blogger.com Thanks for reading

Note.for free you can start your blog at wordpress.com too.

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