Are you getting bored for Twitter new follower messages?

Twitter door is open for you now. When you have started on twitter and everything is going well for you. You are doing tweets following new people getting huge followers all the stuff are nicely going on but.. Ya something is not going right for you. whats that?
You are crazy twitter user and You have awesome profiles which can easily attract someone pretty easily on the other hand you are a such kind of guy who has lots of sites a busy web blogger. Your sites help to get you new twitter followers daily in huge basis.

So hopefully you would be pretty glad for getting new followers and love to visit their new profiles. Here one thing which you have found that everyday you have to receive tons of new followers messages on your Email inbox which is may not appeal to you so much. The thing is happening for your highest popularity on online. So if you think its really boring and reading every time new email is quite time wasting for you then I might helped you to get rid of this situation.

So every time when any new followers started to follow you next time you will not get confirmation email from twitter. Do you like to know How to stop it? Ya lets follow me below:

Stopping Twitter from Sending New Follower Messages

1.Sign in to your Twitter Account
2.Click setting.
3.Click the notice tab
4.Deselect the email when someone starts following me check box
5.Click save.
Twitter updates your profile with the new settings.

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