How to Automatically following someone who follows You In Twitter

Twitter has become most popular social networking site now a days. May be you have twitter account also. And you are enjoying pretty well about this service. If i am not wrong everyday you have to accept a lot of twitter follower request. In daily if you get small amount of follower request then it would be no problem for you to accept their request. But lets say you have to face a lot of follower request to you this thing may be quite hassling for you. So i have a solution for you to automatically follow them. That means you no need to manually accept their Friends request.

How to Automatically following someone who follows You In Twitter


Its not pretty hard to do. just follow this options below:
To enable this option in your twitter account you have to go sign up free and add your account and then configure it to automatically follow your followers.
So how to set up:
1.log on to your tweetlater account.
2.Click the twitter tab ( The add a new twitter account page appears
3.Type your screen name in the twitter user name text box
4.Type your password in the twitter password text box
5.Select the auto follow check box
6.Click save
Tweetlater adds your account and configure it to automatically follow your followers.
Thats it. Have a nice day!

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