Best Speech Recognition Software That I am Using

Hi guys i hope all of you are enjoying this blog. well guys its been long time i was looking for a software which can give me a little bit relax. ohh guys don’t get me wrong. yes some time if you want to be free or if you want some rest that cant be happened due to a lot of typing  task need to do by your own computer. So you mean what i am talking about? yes i am talking if there is a way to ask your PC to give commands and your PC will do works by listening your commands then may be you can take a bit rest isn’t it?

Best Speech Recognition  Software  Dragon NaturallySpeaking That I am Using

Dragon Naturally speaking Demo Video

lets say tomorrow you have to prepared for a big lecture for your student and you are very sick or tried to do typing on your computer now. so how do you get your job done without typing it. ? yeah guys that’s what i am talking about you can get your job done using speech recognition software. Which is the best speech recognition software? without any doubt i would like to say dragon naturally speaking is the best speech recognition software that i am using it on my PC.

What can i do with Dragon Naturally Speaking?

Better you ask me what i cant do actually using this software, I prepared many of my blog post and news papers articles without typing or touching my own keyboard. This software help me after a bit voice training i managed to completed my typing job most perfectly. To get best result what you must have is windows random access memory bit high and must have pretty good microphone with mouth speech. That’s all after that buy the software and install it. its a very easy to install. Do a voice train to recognise pc to your original voice. You are done. Go to any notepad or wordpad and start typing with your voice command. Not only for typing this software will help you to surf online, open file, shutdown the computer, go to sleep mode everything can be done what ever you like to ask your computer. For sending eamil, open web browser, writing for new email what ever you like to do on pc without any signle touch of your finger its very easy by this software. Its a amazing gift for those who are disabled and for students, business magnet, software geeks, journalist etc all kinds of education purpose its a great helping tool. So guys you may get relax now if you have this software installed on your computer. Its  not a free version You have to spend $100 dollars to get it. Even i spend money to buy this software i felt good after have it. so you may like to try now. download or buy  from here. If you like to learn more about Dragon Naturally speaking click here .Thanks for reading.

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