How to Get Good Qualities of Video From Youtube

To download video songs or google videos we every all at first find to go our favourite site youtube. Actually we can’t think anything without it for its vast and extra-ordinary good quality collection of videos. We can get everything what we need from this site . But one thing has to say, we are always looking for the good qualities of video.
Many of ours, not only go YouTube to download but also they visit YouTube to watch live video on the online. It is very painful for the viewers when they see the video quality is very low and it’s really not enjoyable for watching. Here, a small trick I am going to share with all the people about how to get good quality (HD format) videos from YouTube, when you will watch it .

At first you must go YouTube site and which video you are going to watch click on it, you will see in the address bar the link will display. For example :, end of the string Please add & fmt=6 It will show like that : It’s not ended here, if you want to get more quality of video just add & fmt=18 to the end of the string. Its look like that : will get now download link directly with the best quality of video. Well, now come about to the resolution of the video. If you attached & fmt=6, to the end of the string, the URL delivers a 448×336 resolution version of the video but if you attached & fmt=18, the URL delivers a 480×360 and its much better then & fmt=6. What’s the feeling about the post? I think it’s very helpful for those who are really fond of YouTube. We will deliver more things about like that. Just stay connected with us…..

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