Windows tutorial: How To Create Folder in Windows

Hi guys its been long time, i was looking for a chance to write a Tutorial on windows. My best luck that at last i am giving a simple tutorial about windows folder. You know its very easy to create folder in windows. Almost every PC user know how to make folder in windows.
So may be it is known to you but here i am going to tell you some of the new options or method which can be applied for creating new folder in windows too. You know for keeping our data or file, folder is very important. To organise files and many data its a requirement to have a folder. To keep our data in safe and placed properly, it is better to have a folder. So guys lets take a look How many ways we can make folder in Windows?

Method 1:

It is almost the easiest method , all are known to it though i have given here :

  1. Right click on your desktop empty area and or windows explorer,
  2. then left click new
  3. then left click folder
  4. You have successfully create a folder. Once you have seen the folder has been displayed , you can see that the folder name option is highlighted , just give here the folder name. To give a name you must choose a easy to remember name otherwise it would be hard for you to find the folder again.

  5. Type the name of your folder and hit enter. You have successfully completed to create a folder.


  1. Open windows Explorer just hold down the windows key and press E or left click start program/accessires/windows Explorer
  2. Navigate the place where you want to create the folder
  3. Then from the top toolbar click file
  4. then left click folder
  5. Once you have seen the folder is created but the name section is still highlighted this is the opportunity for you to give a name.
  6. Just give a name and hit enter


This method can only be used in windows xp,and windows 2003 users)

  1. Open My Computer ((Left click Start/My Computer) or double click the My Computer icon on your desktop)
  2. Navigate to the place you where you want your new folder to be created.
  3. Then left click Make a new folder from the File and Folder Tasks menu as picture shown below
  4. Your folder will appears either on your desktop or in Windows Explorer . Now this is giving you the opportunity to name your folder. So don’t forget to miss the opportunity to type a folder name.
  5. just give a name of the folder.

How to make folder using notepad

  1. Open a notepad just click on run and type notepad hit enter notepad will open.
  2. lets say you will create a new file on notepad and it will be saved on where you like to keep your folder. we saved the file in desktop and type in file as what will be our folder name. Suppose we want to make three folder in desktop by the name of windows,software,book so we will type in : md space then the folder name as many as we the file would be like this below:
  3. md windows,software,book
  4. now save this file in bat format with giving any name. we save as folder.bat
  5. Now double click on the folder.bat file
  6. You will see there are three folder has been created in desktop with the name of windows, software and book
  7. delete the folder.bat file
  8. You have successfully created three folder using notepad on desktop.

How to make a folder using the Command Prompt

Open command Prompt how to open it? Very easy go to run and type cmd hit enter. then type Code:

mkdir foldername

and then hit Enter. You can then use: code


and then hit Enter to make sure your folder has been created. Note: You should not give  spaces in your folder names unless you write it in inverted area like the name in “”.  For example Code:

mkdir "folder name

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