How to hack facebook password without any software

Guys long time ago when i was starting this blog from my facebook label of post i wrote about hacking facebook account. It was quite explaining post about hacking facebook account and some of the guys complained on that method.  I personally used that tricks and successfully hacked some facebook account.
You know it was just installing a keylogger software. Must need to purchase. free one is not workable. so at this post i like to show you again how to hack Facebook password without using any software at all.
To the tech expert users it would be very easy and they might feel boring to continue to read this article but if you are not an expert guy and like to fool your partner then this article would be a nice gift to you.
Here we go :

How to hack facebook password without any software.

Lets say you like to hack your facebook friends account and password. What you need to do just asked him or her to use your own notebook or PC. Okay here i hope you will chose to use Mozilla Firefox. Asked your friend to key in user name and password. But don’t pee to him or her while key in.  Just act like you are not interested to know password. So when your friends will use Firefox make sure private browsing option is turn off.
Okay may be your friends finish using facebook and sign out from account too.  And may be your friend has left you already too.
Now  you are alone. where you will get now your friends facebook password again?
Okay guys its very easy.  some time if you re open the browser and key in at url section it will automatically show the user name and password if the person foolishly click on remember password option.
But if this thing never happen to you go to firefox browser > option >security Now click on  Saved password  now again click on the show password button  if any confirm box appear just click yes and find the facebook password that your friend’s used.  You can find your friends log in password here.
  Rememberthat don’t use this method to steal others personnel information. Its a crime to illegally use others account without the person consent.
so if you want to make fun with your friends you can try this trick but make sure it will never destroy friendship. 
I have given this tricks for information purpose only. If anybody use this tricks to harm others the writers of this article will not be responsible.
Thanks for reading.

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