How to removed bad photos, video clips from facebook wall?

I have seen some of my facebook friends are updating their facebook status with some ugly, vulgar, erotic video clips and that’s’ for sure i was very confused whether i removed them or keep as my facebook friends. I don’t want to mean them that they are bad in nature because all are not same in race and all my friends are not following same religion.
Like here in Singapore kissing in front of other people is not treated as bad custom but in my country you can not even think of it. So this kinds of thing is happening due to mixing so many cultures friends on facebook and there fore others culture’s friends never take such video clips as offensive. Never mind, So i was looking for how to avoid such kinds of update or removed such kinds of status update without removing them as my friends. I have got the solution already. Here i am explaining  today

How to removed bad or erotic photos, video clips from facebook wall?

Okay guys you know now a days on facebook, you can do a lot of things. You should not worry about your privacy at all. If you have got bad photos or video clips from others , these kinds of status update also can be removed from your facebook pages if you feel very uncomfortable for this. Here i am showing you, how to solved this problem: You can see below here one of my friends update his status :

Now you want to removed this update from your wall? You can see that on this update’s at the right top corner there got one right arrow showing at the time when you hover your mouse pointer over there. Just click on that, you can see a dialogue box appear with few options, you choose here hide story. From now it will be removed from your wall. That’s very easy! Isn’t it?

 If you think you want to unsubscribe all kinds of status update from that friends then just click on unsubscribe from u, this option. If you choose it then when ever your friend will update any bad photos ,it will not appear on your home page even though he or she is your friends. Tha’ts all guys use facebook smart and stay update all the time.

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