How To Run Multiple Os Linux ,Windows 7 And windows 8 in One Pc Without Hardware Virtualization?

You don’t know whether your PC does support Hardware virtualization or not? If support you are very lucky enough to run multiple Os in your single laptop or desktop pc. But what if you have seen that your CPU never support vt but you like to run many OS in your system?
Download this tiny exe is called SecurAble to check your vt ? After run it you can see the info as the picture shown below:

actually i was looking for installing Mac OS in my virtual machine. But for that i must have Vt enabled in Bios and My CPU should support vt too. But i don’t have vt. So i cant run Mac in my notebook but  still i can run multiple OS in one single PC doing some tricks. And if you like to install mac make sure you have latest processor. Before buy a laptop you can check here which Intel processor has hardware virtualization. Few days ago i was looking for how to run multiple os in one pc and i have found that to do that i must have enabled hardware virtualization in CPU. So i was checking my notebook acer aspire 4736G whether it is support or not after check i was become upset to see that it has no vt.

But i never stopped to research more and finally i am running three different OS in my laptop. Do you like to know how i do that? Yes today i am gonna tell you this. If your desktop PC  or laptop never support hardware virtualization then you can install vmware player 3.1.0 for installing other OS using virtual hard drive . What i did my self that i make partition of my hard drive and i install windows 8 in a different partitions because while i was trying to install windows 8  in virtual machine it never installed due to my CPU never support vt Technology. And  then i install vmware player 3.1 in my default windows 7 OS after that i install Linux OS ubuntu 10.04 lucid linux. in  vmware player.  Okay guys you may like to know know How to install windows 8 in windows 7 PC as dual boot?  And lastly

How to install ubuntu in vmware player in windows 7 PC?

Okay for installing ubuntu 10.04 you have to have  its ISO file  or  bootable CD or DVD. You can download it for free from ubuntu official website and burn to a CD . And vmware player 3.01 Now first of all install vmware player now restart your PC.  while i was installing vmware player and ubuntu 10.04 i never take screenshot, So may be you may face a bit problem to understand but for proper guide and screenshot you may check this post  After install vmware player you can start it now. You can see vmware icon in your desktop. What you will do now just open it and click on create new virtual machine. Now give your guest OS name and settings how much ram you like to use by click on customise hardware settings you can change ram size.You must choose where to boot your virtual machine you can select ISO or bootable CD or DVD better use bootable CD After that you have to give your name password.  Then evertyting is finished. Now your are ready to install ubutnu. Just insert your boot CD in CD DVD ROM drive and open vm you will see it will start installing ubuntu from CD or DVD rom drive. It will take around 40 or 60 minutes to complete installation For me it took one hour to finish installation. After installation finsihed it will restart and you can see ubuntu welcome screen just give your user name and password. click log in and you will see ubuntu 10.04   in your vmware virtual machine. For proper use of desktop interface you may reinstall vmware tools if it is not set up during installation time. For me it was installed automatically while i was installing ubuntu. Now i can use ubuntu from my windows 7 desktop . Take a look my ubuntu in windows 7 below:

It has many extra facilities such as it support printer, bluetooth, and share folder option. If you have any problem while installing ubuntu in your windows 7 pc just comment here i will try to help you as much as possible. Now i am running windows 8 ,windows7 and ubuntu 10.04 in my single notebook even  my laptop never support hardware virtualization. Thanks for reading. The file which you need:

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