How to share folders between windows 7 and windows xp running on portable virtualbox

Few days ago i wrote about how to install windows xp on portable virtualbox. After successfully installed what i tried to established share folder option into my host windows 7 After few searching on online i have found a good informative video on youtube channel. I like to show you today how to create shareholder opportunity between host os and guest os on virtualbox

How to share folders between windows 7 and windows xp running on portable  virtualbox

Before doing that i would like to mention why sharing folder is very important to us? When i first log on to my guest os xp what i found that i cant move or copy anything to my windows 7 os. So if this is not possible what ever i do on my guest PC everything will be remain on it cant be moved any others places that is very pity. so its very urgent to have this facilities. well, first of all create a newfolder at windows 7 at any places but i choose it on my documents and give a name , we call it sharefolder . Now  for windows xp guest edition it is very easy to do. lets take a look what i need to do to activate share folder option go to  guest OS device and scroll down to find install guest Addition click here to install, you may get software install confirmation just click  continue anyway two times install finished. Now at guest OS xp Go to Device >share folders click on it you can see share folders dialogue box has appear just click on at top right + green box and add folder that you have created on windows7 by clicking browse button. check the picture below:

Now go to guest OS xp mycomputer then my network places my computer right click on it map network drive select drive virtual box shareholder finish.

 lets try it now create a folder on guest PC at sharefolder drive as picture shown below:

go to win 7 and open sharefolder at my documents you can see the newly create folder has there that’s it the video is given below:

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