How to Uninstall Ubuntu From Windows 7

Uninstall ubuntu

I have given a post already about ubuntu installation but the matter of fact is somebody do not like to continue with ubuntu. Why because when they start up windows they never find windows 7 as default boot more over every time they have to choose windows 7 manually. So i have got few emails now how to completely uninstall ubuntu from windows 7 ? This post is for  them. Lets check it out :

How to uninstall ubuntu from windows 7

First of all you have to install easy bcd it will disable the Grab boot loader by Re-writing the master Boot Record.
So go to And type easybcd now download and install it.
After installed run it and click at Bootloader setup > click on write MBR

Now, you’ll have to delete the ubuntu partitions permanently.
Go to run type:diskmgmt.msc and find the partitions of ubuntu and delete it.

Now if you would like to use the free space for your windows partitions follow these steps
Select the volume which is near to it here we select c and right click and choose extend volume and the free space will be added here.

That’s it.
You might have to reactivate your windows after doing this process.

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