Install Windows 8 With windows7 Keeping Intact

Everybody knows that windows 8 now officially has been released and available to download from Microsoft officials site. More info from here.
So you want to install windows 8 in your existing windows 7pc. Wait. Don’t upgrade your windows 7 now. Its very weak decision to take full and complete setup windows 8.
Why? because you need to use windows 7 s application which is not compatible with windows 8. further more you will be facing few problems for running some programs which is not smoothly run able in windows 8.

Install Windows 8 With windows7 Keeping Intact Using Dual boot mode

So what would be the best choice for you? You can use windows 8 even not upgrading windows 7. Just create a extra partition from your c drive. It will take up to 30 or 40 GB. In technical terms may be you already familiar with this terms which is called dual boot. So the best for you to keep windows -7 intact and run windows 8 alongside with windows 7 using dual booting facilities. Lets take a look How to use two OS in same PC. You will need windows 8 DVD. A software for making partition. First of all create a partition. Using partition magic software.

How to create Partitions

Just open Partition magic. Go to your c drive. Right click on it then click re size or move options. A new window will be open. Now after resize the drive there will be a new drive created without any name. Just click on that for create Partition then click apply the changes after PC shutdown .
 Now go to your bios settings pressing F2 key and choose first boot option from CD or DVD drive. And just insert windows 8 DVD after reboot PC will directly boot from windows 8 and you will be ask to press any key to proceed and install just follow the instruction and proceed to completing install windows 8.

 Its very easy. After finish windows will ask you which version you want to keep as first boot just choose windows 8 version or windows 7 according to your choice. So guys use windows 8 a new advanced OS alongside with windows7 keeping intact. For any help or question email us and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

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