Is it possible to control pc using twitter?

Hi friends, I have given few tips about facebook but still I never write anything about another very popular micro blogging sites Twitter.Is this very good for you and for twitter lovers? No I think I must write something about twitter also.Please keep patience my friends I am gonna share a good tip about twitter.Do you know what is that? Yes it is a tip about control a pc using twitter service.Do you think is it possible to control pc using twitter? May be some thought can,  some can not,  but I think yes you can control others pc using twitter.How is it possible? yes possible don’t panic I am gonna share you today how you can control others pc using twitter?

You can control others pc such as  turn off pc, Restart, log off etc. for getting this facilities both computer must have installed tweetmypc software & Internet connection.

suppose you go out without turning off your pc or you forget to turn off or may be you go out for office for any emergency now you need to turnoff your pc.At this circumstances what can you do? very hard for you to go back near to your pc.yah,  you can turn off your computer giving a short command or status .To get this help you must need to install tweetmypc (9.54mb)free  tweetmy pc software from this link.
you must have installed Microsoft dot .net 3.5 on your pc.

After finish installed  tweetmypc software give your twitter user name password and click check box start automatically with windows then save & close.

the software will be shown at system try of your computer when you turn on pc it will automatically start with windows.

Now if you want to turn off pc just write shutdown command and update it so the pc which is with this software tweetmy pc installed  will automatically turn off.
you can see this turn off message on your twitter update message box.
with this same method you can Restart, log off, a pc.This is very case sensitive word so use this with carefully when you use this software.

If you want to do others work using this software just go settings>custom commands now write here any command which you want.

now you can control others pc using twitters what do you think now?  do you like to try it?

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Author:faridul islam

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