Know Your Computer’s Keyboard Function Key F1 To F12

If we look at the top of our PC keyboard, we can see F1 To F12 key. These are called Function Key. By pressing only one time you can get help from your keyboard. These key are used for various purposes for different software. Here I am giving  short details of these 12 function key.

Know Your Computer’s  Keyboard  Function Key F1 To F12

F1:This key is used as Help Key. You can get help of any programmes by pressing F1 key. When you press F1 key you will come to know the help topics of the programme which you need to know for performing the programming task. So this F1 key is a very important key for you.

F2:In general this key is used for renaming any files and folder. In Microsoft word Alt+ctrl+F2 Key is used for opening any new file. You can get print preview of word by pressing ctrl +F2 And F2 press for entering bios system of the PC.

F3:This key allows you to get search option for Microsoft word or others programme. Shift + F is press for making Microsoft word’s letter big to small or capital letter for all beginning words of a sentence.

F4:You can repeat last action performed while doing type in Microsoft word. You can Closed all running programmed using Alt + F4 key and Ctrl + F4 press for closing all active window

F5:This is very common key. You can see a lot of time we do refresh our PC by pressing F5 key. This is a key for refreshing Microsoft window or Internet browser window To start power point slide show we can use F5 key. In word we can use it for find replace and go to options.

F6:This key is used for moving mouse cursor to writing web address at the address bar to start writing any address Ctrl + shift + F6 is used for active other open document in MSword.

F7:This is a very important key for checking grammar and spelling in word. In FireFox you can start caret browsing using this key Shift+F7 is used for starting a dictionary for  finding any synonym or antonym of the word or forms of word

F8:This key is very essential to start a operating system. In general for booting from safe mood this key is used.

F9:In quark express 5.0 To open measurement Toolbar you can use this key. Some time while set up windows we have to press this key for boot from CD. This is not same in every PC.

F10:You can select menu bar from any open browser by pressing this key.  In a selected word or image move the mouse cursor over it then to get right button’s task of mouse we need to press shift + F10

F11: We can see our web browser in full screen by pressing F11 key

F12:In MSword we can used this key for saving our document. To save any ms word file we can press shift + F12 To print a file we need to press ctrl +shift + F12

I hope that those key function will help you to make work more easy and faster than before. We should remember all those 12 function key for better performance in computer work. If you think this topic is helpful to you then please  let us know how do you feel here by making comment.

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