What is my computer doing Now?

You are not sure something about your PC. Whats going on there? Some time its not doing right. Even though you have performed well in anti virus or run the program well there is something more which is not working well in your computer. This is the time to know about them. Why my PC not working well? why? Can you tell me why? Ha ha ha I don’t know is the most easy answer. But today i am gonna tell you the answer just read me below:

What is my computer doing now




You know some time your hard disk not working well lets say why your hard disk LED flashing on ? Why cpu fan sounds very loud? This thing is going on even you don’t do anything on your computer. This is a tough ask to you now to solved the problem.

You can solved the problem now with whats my computer doing a free software,  after install it you can know why your PC not doing well ? which program is not performing well and which is need to uninstall, everything will show you this free software. Just download it and install it . You will be safe now from these kind of problem.
System requirements:
Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, NT
Download Link: Whats my computer doing?

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